You’d think this SF Chronicle editor would reference their outlet’s own wine awards and see some alcohol free winners in the mix before being so snarky. Thanks for calling it out!

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Even in the months since this was written the AF wine options have increased significantly in both quality and options. Josi Lietz is crushing it with his Zero line. Noughty is living up to recent hype, and Odd Bird is doing exciting stuff. Thanks for holding those with a platform and voice accountable when it comes to changing the narrative.

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Yes! Josef Leitz has been in the game for a while, and Amanda Thomson (Noughty) recently came out with an impressive red, the hardest to get right in this category. And much more, as you note! Lots of movement here.

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THANK YOU for calling this out. I found some delicious dealcoholized bottles in Germany and France and now excited to see what I find in Canada.

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